(Versione Italiano) The research aimed at the development of the human being in the film “LUCY” (Luc Besson 2014) found the solution in a super drug; biologically is called endorphins and to my knowledge is not in trade in synthetic route. But you have to be very lucky to get it in a natural way, up to the point that two of the three mono- theistic religions require men in espousal grant it on time to his wife. Failure to follow this rule is the efficient cause of divorce and I’m not talking about impotence coheundi, but something else. Chinese friends call it harmony, but they are some centuries ahead of us. How many times a human being has been able to rise to the level of the absolute, even if the people founding  the United States of America  based their choice of independence in: happiness. For me, is happiness the question to be interpreted in practice, even in everyday life in a time of crisis. We should start with the satisfaction of our main needs: housing, feeding, transport, dressing. Ciu En Lai, great Prime Minister of President Mao, the question was solved with rice and the dressing as nearly as possible to uniforms, with small houses but available to all and finally with bicycles. Today, the heir of the Celestial Empire is the second largest economy of the world and has only the 9% of the GDP of the world,  still well away from the GDP data which was available in 1838 when the Franco British moved the Opium War. The solidarity of Guadalupe and the Jesuits “mission” is practice only with Microcredito by Japan in Africa, the Chinese, are increasingly intervening in Africa rebalancing the terms of trade, but Europe is absent in the internal plan and in terms of proximity, has not the courage to put in practice the principle of co-management in the production and the politics world, making universal the founding principle of the Rhenish policy that says that it should have at its base the whole Europe through a totally common taxation. Thereafter, the second level of needs: work, friendship, love. Having satisfied the first level, we have to tackle the work, starting again from the primary sector directly connected to the quaternary (culture, territory and environment and technology) that retrieves the most different professionalisms, without genre differences,  putting at its base the experiences of the mir, the sovchoz, the kibbutzim, collective-farms and universities, where the unifying structure may very well be a religious community. Besides mutual societies have saved in the past parts of Europe and still works: hence the research evolves to the secondary on which depends the service sector, based on the consumer and specialized competition, certified worldwide and in relation to the capacity of the consumer spending. The level of quincentenary and the search for the new, unlimited. Then comes the recovery of the socializing person , music as a means of personal care rediscovering the meaning of Christian equivalence: “love your neighbour as yourself”, but to love others you must love yourself and this is the hardest thing because it means education, for example, to beauty, to knowledge, to the care of the body according to the model of the Roman baths, considered oneself responsible for a very special mission that it will be found only in their own proceed as Kipling says, leave the world better than you found it. Under these conditions, you may be ready to meet the other self for love: the one from Silla to Aurora, the mother of Caesar platonic, the one of Mario for his meus Mel, to Cornelia for her children future tribunes of the people, to Olympia to Alexander and his teacher Aristotle, and finally women under the cross indifferent to the men around, but also for Medea, Aegean and yes that Lesbia of Catullus and the poet, while avoid being daffodils, as my fellow Empedocles.